remenches dende l'aldo galligo

Un estudio inedito de Rudolf Wilmes (1950)

Un estudio inedito de Rudolf Wilmes (1950)

VII TROBADA D’ESTUDIOS ARREDOL D’A LUENGA ARAGONESA E A SUYA LITERATURA Uesca, 22 d’otubre de maitins, en o salón d’autos d’o IEA: 

Óscar LATAS (Consello d’a Fabla Aragonesa): “Un estudio inedito de Rudolf Wilmes sopre toponimia de Bal de Bio e Boltaña”."An Unpublished Toponymy Study of the Bio and Boltaña Valleys by Rudolf Wilmes" 

ABSTRACT: In 1950, German linguist Rudolf  Wilmes, who had carried out his doctoral research on the Bio Valley, wrote a document organizing and analyzing some place names that he had collected in Sobrarbe (Boltaña, Buarba, Nerín and Yaba), in 1930. This study was never published. By considering the work carried out by the German researchers who arrived in Northern Aragón in the first third of the 20th century, as well as some found correspondence, this paper presents both some data related to Rudolf Wilmes’s little-known life and an edition of his writings on toponymy in Sobrarbe.

KEY WORDS: Toponymy, Sobrarbe, Rudolf Wilmes, Aragonese.

(Foto: ayere en Yaba fendo traballo de cambo).

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